
David Wetzl

Artist Statement

Evolve Above

Over the last 14 years, my artwork has visually and symbolically employed the eight levels of consciousness that have been discovered, and put forth, by the Developmental Psychologists from the 20th and 21st century. I learned about these psychologists from Ken Wilber.  If you view the paintings that I have created, you will see that they evolve, in terms of color ideology: From beige (low end psyche) to turquoise (higher end psyche). All six of the other psychological color elements represented here fall between the lower and upper levels of consciousness.

There are higher levels of consciousness other than those used in my paintings, such as the “Blue-Violet”, and they exceed above and beyond the level of “Turquoise Intuition”, which I often use to show a high level of consciousness. The blue violet, I use more sparingly.

Another aspect of my artwork deals with “Ego”, which is how mind and body connect.  The lower portion of the ego (body) deals with our inner animal self and the outer universe. The upper mind deals with the inner universe, the internal level of consciousness.

David Wetzl, 2012

Click here for Resume

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David Wetzl - <b>IM Mind, Ego, and Animalistic Body</b>, 2011, acrylic on shaped wood, 47 x 35 inches
David Wetzl - <b>PreMod and PostMod Mind and Body</b>, 2011, acrylic and ink, paintings and drawings, and digital print on shaped wood, 42 x 28 inches
David Wetzl - <b>SCIP Moves Downward Into The Po Mod Zone To View and Save The Distraught Economic World</b>, 2011, acrylic on shaped wood, 48 x 36 inches
David Wetzl - <b>SCIP Is an Intergral Ego Connecting and Relating Between the Inner Conciousness Universe and the Outer Conciousness Universe</b>, 2012, acrylic on shaped wood, 62 x 32 inches
David Wetzl - <b>SCIP is Viewing Internal Modernist Aliens</b>, 2012, digital print on paper, 23 x 29 inches
David Wetzl - <b>Holonic Ego Builds Up and Moves On</b>, 2009, acrylic on shaped wood, 48 x 24 inches
David Wetzl - <b>Evolving Beyond Mod Ego</b>, 2011/2012, digital print on paper, 24 x 18 inches
David Wetzl - <b>D-Dub is Viewing Global Elements That Are Reluctantly  Evolving Beyond the PostMod and PreMod Realm</b>, 2012, acrylic on panel, 32 x 112 inches, part of the Crocker Collection