
Mark Emerson

Artist Statement

Begin, pulse, rhythm, time signature, space, temperature, depth, cyclic form,direction, pattern, arrangement, flow.


I have built these paintings with elements of color and pattern, but more importantly rhythm. I have created unity on the picture plane that contains symphonic variety with the counterpoint of Jazz. Not only am I presenting color to resonate on the surface, but to linger in the air.

Mark L. Emerson
February 2006

Click here for Resume


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Mark Emerson - <b>Falling Down</b>, 2010, polymer on canvas, 86 x 72 inches
Mark Emerson - <b>Night Ride at Sunrise</b>, 2009, polymer on panel, 20 x 20 inches
Mark Emerson - <b>Color Blind</b>, 2011, polymer on linen, 24 x 24 inches
Mark Emerson - <b>Yeah, No, Yeah</b>, 2010, polymer on canvas, 60 x 60 inches
Mark Emerson - <b>Larry and Karl</b>, 2012, polymer on canvas, 40 x 50 inches
Mark Emerson - <b>Please Forgive Tangent</b>, 2012, polymer on canvas, 40 x 50 inches
Mark Emerson - <b>So What</b>, 2012, polymer on canvas, 40 x 50 inches