My work is part of a continuing series, “Blue Jackets Return.” From the first winged-shaped structures to the current work, I have been exploring my interest in formal elements by transforming flat, two-dimensional surfaces into three-dimensional objects. I derive much of my inspiration from everyday objects such as mailboxes, aircraft structures, wings and propellers, heavy machinery and architectural works. These objects become conceptual elements, which I transform first into drawings. Then, via techniques of aircraft construction, I have fabricated objects of inner structures and outer coverings that created volumetric enclosures. Recently, my interest in racecar fabrication and finishing and collecting vintage BMX bicycles from the 1970’s has led to subtle changes in structure and color. 2009 has lead me to a return to painting. These paintings reflect my preoccupation with stripes.
The titles of my works have no real meaning, but due to my interest in the construction techniques of World War II aircraft, I take my titles from the World War II battles in the South Pacific.
Categories: Artists, mixed media, sculpture
5524 B Elvas Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95819
phone: 916.453.2999
fax: 916.453.2998
Gallery Hours