Title: Professor Fine Art 2D
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Degrees: BFA, MFA San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
Exhibitions: Seeing Jazz at the Smithsonian Museum Washington DC; Art Document at Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art Sapporo, Japan; Otaru Municipal Art Museum Otaru, Japan; America Haus Stuttgart Germany; Museum of Modern Art Dominican Republic; Miami Art Museum; New Orleans Museum of Art; Wadsworth Athenaeum Museum, Muira Museum Matsuyama, Japan; Joslyn Museum; National Gallery of Art Kingston, Jamaica; Yassine Art Center Dakar Senegal; Triton Museum of Art Santa Clara California; San Jose Museum of Art San Jose, Ca.; Monterey Museum of Art; San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Rosenberg+Kaufman Fine Art New York City, New York; Frederick Spratt Gallery San Jose, California; Stella Jones Gallery New Orleans, La.; Bogena Gallery San Paul Du Vence , France; Promo-Arte Gallery Tokyo, Japan; Jay Jay Gallery Sacramento, California. Beijing Booster Paintings at NY Arts Gallery Beijing, China, Golf Club Gallery Furth im Wald Germany…click here to see more
5524 B Elvas Ave.
Sacramento, CA 95819
phone: 916.453.2999
fax: 916.453.2998
Gallery Hours